Saturday 8 October 2011

Prakruti Ayurveda

Prakruti Ayurveda

we are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the planet and everyone in it. In our every endeavor, we strive to do what serves the greatest good. It is our honor to play a part in bringing forth the profound healing wisdom of Ayurveda, and we gratefully do so with dedication to our clients and reverence for the wisdom.

Prakkruti According to Date of Birth – check it


What Diseases Does Ayurveda Treat?

Ayurveda does not treat disease, but rather the energetic imbalance causing the disease. It is particularly effective in restoring balance to those suffering from chronic conditions. Examples of this include asthma, insomnia, digestive disturbances, headaches, ulcers, skin conditions, depression, high blood pressure, arthritis and menstrual difficulties, to name just a few. In addition, for those with no specific noticeable symptoms, Ayurveda helps you to understand the energetic makeup of your own unique body as well as how to maintain your health and well-being so that disease can find no foothold, helping you to stay healthy and balanced for the entirety of your life.

What methods are used to restore balance?

Ayurveda utilizes a truly holistic approach to restore balance, addressing all aspects of one’s being. In Ayurveda, body, mind and spirit are interwoven, and all are treated simultaneously. This is accomplished through an endless number of healing modalities including (but not limited to): Food programs, herbs, self-massage, aromatherapy, color and sound therapies, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and lifestyle adjustments.

Prakruti: Your Natural Constitution

Your inner nature is called your natural constitution or prakruti. This unique balance of energy was determined at the moment of conception and is with you the rest of your life. Your prakruti is the inherent ideal balance of the three doshas and it expresses itself within your own unique genetic makeup. It determines what is harmonious with your nature and what can cause you to become out of balance, sick, and diseased.

Vikruti: Your Current State of Imbalance

Unbalancing influences such as diet, lifestyle, stress, emotional upsets, physical trauma, and an endless number of other factors can cause you to become out of balance. In Ayurveda, your current state of imbalance is called vikruti. Whereas prakruti describes the balance of the doshas at the moment of conception, vikruti describes their current state. Healing is the process of returning vikruti to prakruti. Understanding your vikruti and prakruti allows you to knowledgeably make health-promoting choices regarding foods, exercise programs, lifestyle, etc. based on your own uniqueness.
Your constitution is a fundamental balance between three basic energies called doshas.
“Ayurveda does not treat symptoms; it treats the energetic imbalance
producing the symptoms and the body heals itself.”