Tuesday 26 July 2011

Bhujbal Ayurved Panchkarma Medical Services


Bhujbal Ayurveda Panchkarma Medical Services

Specialties –

  • Psoriasis, Spine Problems, Infertility, Obesity.
  • Prenatal & Postnatal (Garbh Sanskar)  Care.
  • Panchkarma Separate Male & Female Units.
  • Self  Mode Medications.
  • Shamana & Shodhna Chikitsa.

Pachkarma :-

It is a process of detroxification of removal of endotoxius provided cells in our body.5 Procedure
  • Vamana.
  • Virechana.
  • Basti.
  • Nasya.
  • Rakta Mokshana.

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