Wednesday 27 March 2013

Juliana John – A System of Learning Spoken English and Practical Grammar


Juliana John – A System of Learning Spoken English and Practical Grammar

JJSLSE & PG: This establishment was founded by Ms Juliana Henry John a resident of Nasik, Maharashtra. She is a Graduate in Arts and has served as an English teacher in a Convent School in Nasik for 10 years. Subsequently she has been conducting various classes on Written/Spoken English as well as English Grammar for the past 25 years. After years of studies and research followed by rigorous experimenting, she has evolved a unique system of learning grammatically correct English without learning theoretical/conventional grammar in a short span of time.

This system which is abbreviated as JJSLSE & PG is applicable to both the segments- the children [schooling segment] as well as the adults [post-schooling segment] and has proved very effective in both. Also it is applicable to the vernacular medium as well as the English medium students.

From The Founders Desk: It is no secret that “Communication Skill is a key to success”. Whatever the occupation, English has become an irreplaceable tool in conducting business operations and transactions. A large number of non English speakers want to and have to work with or set up an enterprise. They know that communicating in English is a must for them. However, they just can’t afford to spend years learning this International Language.

Therefore a system that enables an individual to speak correct English very quickly is the need of the hour. Bearing this in mind, and also the ever-growing need for good English, a systemJJSLSE & PG has been developed wherein one can learn to speak correct English without any need to learn theoretical grammar. This system emphasises on a strong foundation of English along with good structures. It is obvious that good ‘communication skills in English’ is a must for reaching heights of success. One can climb the ladder of success only when the strength of the foundation carrying the ladder is able to sustain it. This aspect has been paid a special attention.

With Good Foundation of English

A System
of Learning
Spoken English
Practical Grammar
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