Mountaineering is a passion that cultivates / (Creats) the spirit of adventure, endurance, positive attitude, confidence, leadership qualities, co-living & love for nature, moral duties towards environment.
Our vision is to provide a platform to Nature, Adventure lovers and maid them into healthy & happy new generation of mountaineers.
In This Summer 2013 -
We Promise You the Best of Experience.
In This Summer 2013 -
We Promise You the Best of Experience.
Things to carry (for Himalayan trek)
Loose/comfortable clothing – two pairs – cotton shirts ,cotton trousers / jeans, 3-4 pairs personal clothing, thick woolen pullover, shawl, Sport / hunter shoes with rubber sole, water bottle, snow sun glasses, sun cream, torch with spare cells, monkey cap, scarf, napkin, towel, woolen socks 3 pairs, woolen gloves, personal kit, personal medicines, diary, pen. (camera, binocular, cell phone on your own risk)