Saturday 30 March 2013

Nashik Ayurved|Ashtang Ayurved

Welcome to Ashtang Ayurved in Nasik | Panchkarma Center in nashik | Ayurvedic doctor in nashik.

What is Panchkarma?

Panchkarma is described as total purification of body by eliminating waste products from the body. It is useful for both- healthy as well as diseased person. In diseased person it makes him healthy & in diseased person it does not allow waste products/ disease to enter in his/ her –body by doing following therapeutics…..
Pre-operative Therapeutics
1) Snehana – Massage of body with oil 2) Swedana – Steam bath

The five main Therapeutics are-
Vaman – use of emetics – Kapha doshas….etc.
Virechana – use of Pugatives – pitta
Basti – Medical enema – vata doshas…etc.
Nasya – Nasal Administration – Headache….etc.
Raktamokshana – Blood letting therepy – Skin diseases….etc.

Other Therapeutics –
Shirodhara – Pouring of medicated oil on Forehead
Netratarpana – Keeping oil on eye balls
Parisheka – Pouring of oil on whole body

Ayurveda is much more….

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